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报告主题: Product Availability Management with Strategic Customer Behavior and Scarcity Effects

报告人:胡鹏 教授




胡鹏,华中科技大学管理学院生产运作与物流管理系教授。研究方向包括优化算法设计、收益管理、库存管理等,近年来专注于动态规划方法在运筹学和运营管理领域的应用,在Management ScienceOperations Research等期刊上发表多篇论文,并于2016年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目的资助。


This work studies the dynamic pricing and availability decisions of a firm that repeatedly introduces generations of a product over time. Customers are strategic and are affected by scarcity effects, that is, they have a higher utility for and hence are more likely to purchase a product that is scarce related to past generations. To understand the impact of current and past availability levels on strategic customer purchasing behavior, we analyze the long-run optimal policy and find that firm-induced scarcity could be optimal depending on the inter-temporal difference in margin, the market size and the asymmetries in customers' perception.
