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报告题目:从物理空间到虚拟空间到加密空间: 认识区块链的本质

人: 张瑞东 教授  威斯康辛大学奥克莱尔分校

   间:2017627日(周二)上午 1000



From Physical World to Cyberspace to Cypherspace: Understanding the Essence of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain has become a buzzword lately. However, what the real problems that blockchain technology can essentially solve remains not crispy clear. In this research presentation, we present a framework that distinguishes the problem space that blockchain technology aims to address from other problem spaces. It is argued that the problem space that blockchain technology is in is the Cypherspace, which is different from the physical space where we live our lives daily, and the cyberspace where we access, share and process data to support or enhance our daily lives. Within the Cypherspace, we not only want to mirror our physical world, but also improve our physical world; and most importantly, we not only want to uniquely identify ourselves or events or objects or entities, but also want to automate many processes that are critical to our daily lives, such as guaranteed contract execution, C2B ecommerce and many DAO-oriented activities. The differences between the 3 spaces are discussed, and examples are discussed. The ideal and intended interfaces between the spaces are discussed. The interfaces are extremely essential for the information exchange between the spaces between physical space and Cypherspace for the smart contracts to be executed. Some general templates with sample code are proposed to help the design of the interfaces for the Cypherspace. And the re-design capability of the blockchain technology in regulating or perfecting some imperfect phenomenon in the physical world is discussed with recent research result about overcoming digital divide and China’s poverty elimination issues.DAO and smart contract structures are discussed to define the essentials of applications that blockchain technology is designed to tackle. A prototype system is also proposed to create common interface standards for the Cypherspace to facilitate the more widespread applications of blockchain technologies.


张瑞东博士现任美国威斯康辛大学奥克莱尔分校计算机信息系统学终身教授; 曾任美国华人国际信息系统协会(2014-2015)会长。20169月到12月在中国人民大学商学院任访问教授。2017年一月起在浙江大学互联网金融研究院任客座教授,并担任研究院区块链工作室首任主任。其研究领域包括云计算的架构及优化、区块链及数字货币技术的应用及开发、电子商务、开源技术以及下一代互联网的发展及应用。主要从事计算机网络、数据中心服务器管理及企业级网络资源管理的教学研究工作。多篇学术论文发表在国际学术期刊和重要学术会议上。其与浙江大学互联网金融研究院合作编写的《互联网金融:理论与实践》一书也将在近期出版。本科毕业于北京邮电大学邮电工程管理系, 中国人民大学企业管理硕士学位, 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校信息管理博士学位。

