[1] Xiaogang Lin, Qiang Lin, and Ying-Ju Chen (2023). Reselling/agency selling and online intermediaries’ information sharing with manufacturers and resellers.
Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming. (UTD-24; FT-50; SCI 1区; ABS 4星)
[2] Xiaogang Lin, Danna Chen, Yong-Wu Zhou, Qiang Lin (2022). Horizontal mergers in low carbon manufacturing. European Journal of Operational Research.
297(1):359-368. (SCI 1区; ABS 4星)
[3] Xiaogang Lin, Yong-Wu Zhou, and Rui Hou (2021) Impact of a "buy-online-and-pickup-in-store" channel on price and quality decisions in a supply chain. European
Journal of Operational Research. 294(3):922-935. (SCI 1区; ABS 4星)
[4] Xiaogang Lin, Yong-Wu Zhou, Wei Xie, Yuanguang Zhong and Bin Cao (2020) Pricing and product-bundling strategies for e-commerce platforms with competition.
European Journal of Operational Research. 283(3):1026-1039. (SCI 1区; ABS 4星)
[5] Xiaogang Lin, Cuiying Sun, Bin Cao, Yong-Wu Zhou, and Chuanying Chen (2021) Should ride-sharing platforms cooperate with car-rental companies? Implications for
consumer surplus and driver surplus. Omega-International Journal of Management Science. 102:102309. (SSCI/SCI 1区; ABS 3星)
[6] Xiaogang Lin and Yong-Wu Zhou (2019) Pricing policy selection for a platform providing vertically differentiated services with self-scheduling capacity. Journal of
the Operational Research Society. 70(7):1203-1218. (SCI 2区/SSCI 3区; ABS 3星)
[7] Qiang Lin, Zhenjie Shan, Wenhui Fu, Xiaogang Lin (*通讯) (2024) Interplay between the agriculture firm's guarantee strategy and the e-commerce platform's loan
strategy with risk averse farmers. Omega-International Journal of Management Science. Online. (SSCI/SCI 1区; ABS 3星)
[8]Yuanguang Zhong, Yong-Wu Zhou, Zhaozhan Lin, T.C.E. Cheng, Xiaogang Lin(*通讯) (2019) Matching supply and demand on ride-sharing platforms with permanent
agents and competition. International Journal of Production Economics. 218:363-374. (SCI 1区; ABS 3星)
[9] Rui Hou, You Zhao, Mengqiang Zhu, Xiaogang Lin(*通讯) (2021) Price and quality decisions in a vertically-differentiated supply chain with an “online-to-store” channel.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 62:102593 (SSCI 1区; ABS 2星)
[10] Xiaogang Lin, Ying Zhu, Zhangzheng Lin, Wenzhuo Li, Qiang Lin (2024) Retailer information sharing with green manufacturer encroachment in a hybrid supply
chain. International Transactions in Operational Research. Online. (SSCI 3区/SCI 2区; ABS 1星)
[11] Xiaogang Lin, Dongkui Ma and Yupan Wang (2018) On the measure-theoretic entropy and topological pressure of free semigroup actions. Ergodic Theory &
Dynamical Systems. 38(2):686-716. (SCI 2区; 应用数学:拓扑动力系统领域顶刊)
[12] 林晓刚, 黄海玲, 李文卓, 林强 (2023). 混合销售模式下农产品电商的区块链提供策略研究. 中国管理科学. (国基委A刊)
[13] Rui Hou, Lei Lei, Kangning Jin, Xiaogang Lin(*通讯), Lu Xiao (2022) Introducing electric vehicles? Impact of network effect on profits and social welfare. Energy.
243:123002 (SCI 1区)
[14] 林强, 冯佳丽, 雒兴刚, 林晓刚(*通讯) (2021). 不同消费支付方式下电商供应链销售模式选择研究. 系统工程理论与实践. 41(11):2913-2928. (国基委A刊)
[15] 周永务, 关鑫鑫, 曹彬,林晓刚(*通讯),林强 (2023). 即时货运服务共享平台的价格策略选择研究. 中国管理科学. 31(08):111-121. (国基委A刊)
[16] 林强, 马嘉昕,陈亮君, 林晓刚(*通讯),周永务 (2023). 考虑成本信息不对称的生鲜电商销售模式选择研究. 中国管理科学. 31(06):153-163. (国基委A刊)
[17] 林强, 郭恒嘉, 李文卓,林晓刚(*通讯) (2022). BOPS全渠道下电商平台的优惠券投放策略. 中国管理科学. 在线.(国基委A刊)
[18] Qiang Lin, Jiaxin Zhai, Yu Zhang, Kangning Jin, and Xiaogang Lin (*通讯) (2023) Recruiting without-car drivers through multiple sources: The impact on a ride-sharing
platform’s consumer surplus and driver surplus. International Transactions in Operational Research. Online. (SCI 2区/SSCI 3区)
[19] Qiang Lin, Wenzhuo Li, Xiaogang Lin (*通讯), and Wenhui Fu (2023) Information sharing and production mode selection with price and quality competition.
International Transactions in Operational Research. Online. (SCI 2区/SSCI 3区)
[20] You Zhao, Rui Hou, Xiaogang Lin(*通讯), Qiang Lin (2022). Two-period information sharing and quality decision in a supply chain under static and dynamic
wholesale pricing strategies. International Transactions in Operational Research. 29(4):2494-2522. (SCI 2区/SSCI 3区)
[21] Rui Hou, Liang Li, Xiaogang Lin(*通讯), Yong Zha, You Zhao (2021). Pricing strategy for logistics service platforms with competition and user distance preference.
International Transactions in Operational Research. 28(6):3437-3469. (SCI 2区/SSCI 3区)
[22] Xiaogang Lin, Yong-Wu Zhou and Qiang Lin (2020) Pricing strategies of unbundling and mixed-bundling in a two-sided market under stochastic demand. Asia-Pacific
Journal of Operational Research. 37(3): 2050016-1-26. (SCI 4区)
[23] Xiaogang Lin, Kangning Jin, Wenhui Fu, and Qiang Lin (2022) Horizontal mergers between asymmetric low-carbon manufacturers. Journal of Systems Science and
Systems Engineering. 31: 619-647. (SCI 4区)
[24] Xiaogang Lin, Rui Hou, and Yong-Wu Zhou (2020) Platform competition for advertisers and viewers in media markets with endogenous content and advertising.
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 29(1):36-54. (SCI 4区)
[25] Xiaogang Lin, Chuanying Chen, Zhaozhan Lin and Yong-Wu Zhou (2019) Pricing and service strategies for two-sided platforms. Journal of Systems Science and
Systems Engineering. 28(3):299-316. (SCI 4区)
[26] Danna Chen, Yong-Wu Zhou, Xinxin Guan, Xiaogang Lin(*通讯) (2022) Transaction or membership? Impact on on-demand delivery service platforms’profits,
consumer surplus, and labor welfare. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 31: 563-593. (SCI 4区)
[27] Yong-Wu Zhou, Lifang Yang, Bin Cao, Xiaogang Lin(*通讯), and Jinsen Guo (2020) Optimal pricing strategies for a manufacturer and a value-adding retailer in a dual-
channel environment. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 29(3):273-290. (SCI 4区)
[28] 林强, 刘煌,冯佳丽,林晓刚(*通讯) (2022). 气象指数保险下订单农业供应链的政府补贴机制. 系统工程学报. 录用. (国基委A刊)
[29] 林强, 黎楚莹,雒兴刚, 林晓刚(*通讯),周永务 (2023). 供应链视角下零售商内部股权融资决策研究. 运筹与管理. 32(05):113-119. (国基委A刊)
[30] 林强, 刘煌,许俊鑫, 林晓刚(*通讯),周永务 (2023). 基于CVaR的农业自然灾害保险机制研究. 运筹与管理. 32(04):169-176. (国基委A刊)
[31] 林强, 陈亮君,林晓刚(*通讯) (2023). “价格-质量”竞争下生鲜电商销售模式选择研究. 运筹与管理. 32(02):22-28. (国基委A刊)
[32] 后锐, 程飞霞, 林晓刚(*通讯) (2022). 价格与质量双重竞争下电商平台渠道模式决策研究. 运筹与管理. 31(11):91-98. (国基委A刊)
[33] Yuanguang Zhong, Qi Pan, Wei Xie, T.C.E. Cheng, Xiaogang Lin (2020) Pricing and wage strategies for an on-demand service platform with heterogeneous
congestion-sensitive customers. International Journal of Production Economics. 230: 107901. (SCI 1区)
[34] Yong-Wu Zhou, Xiaogang Lin, Yuanguang Zhong and Wei Xie (2019) Contract selection for a multi-service sharing platform with self-scheduling capacity.
Omega-International Journal of Management Science. 86:198-217. (SCI/SSCI 1区)
[35] Danna Chen, Yong-Wu Zhou, Xiaogang Lin, Qiang Lin and Wenhui Fu (2022) Interplay between online intermediaries’information sharing and manufacturers’ selling
format selection. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. Online. (SCI 4区)
[36] Yanguo Tian, Dongkui Ma and Xiaogang Lin (2018) On the topological entropy of the free semigroup action generated by proper maps. Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications. 24(7):1145-1163. (SCI 3区)
[37] Yupan Wang, Dongkui Ma and Xiaogang Lin (2016) On the topological entropy of free semigroup actions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
435(2):1573-1590. (SCI 1区)
[38] Rui Hou, Weijian Li, Xiaogang Lin, You Zhao (2022). Impact of quality decisions on information sharing with supplier encroachment. RAIRO-Operations Research.
56(1):145-164. (SSCI 4区)
[39] Rui Hou, Weijian Li, Kangning Jin, Mingyue Qu, Xiaogang Lin (2023). Dynamic pricing for group-buying strategy with network externality. Managerial and Decision
Economics. Forthcoming. (SCI 4区)
[40] 林强,赵震铮,霍宝锋,林晓刚,李文卓 (2023). 考虑碳交易政策的零售商合作减排策略:融资减排或技术减排. 系统工程理论与实践. 录用. (国基委A刊)
[41] 金康宁, 林晓刚,林强,周永务 (2022). 非营利性网约车平台定价策略:静态定价 vs 峰值定价. 运筹与管理. 录用. (国基委A刊)
[42] 李文卓,林强,雒兴刚,林晓刚,陈丹娜 (2022). 价格与质量双重决策下电商平台的事前/事后信息共享策略研究. 运筹与管理. 录用. (国基委A刊)
[43] 林强,郭恒嘉,林晓刚,陈丹娜 (2023). 双渠道下考虑网络外部性的制造商优惠卷投放策略研究. 工业工程与管理. 28(04):156-169. (国基委B刊)