The impact of individual heterogeneity on the coupled awareness-epidemic dynamics in multiplex networks
潘耀辉 博士生(北京理工大学 管理与经济学院)
时间:2017年10月23日 14:30
The awareness of disease outbreaks can trigger changes in human behaviors to avoid infection and has significant influence on epidemic spreading. Previous studies usually assume that all individuals take the same level of preventive behaviors and all neighbors have the same influence on others’ perception, ignoring individual heterogeneity. In this report, we propose a coupled awareness-epidemic spreading model in multiplex networks incorporating individual heterogeneity from the following three aspects: (1) the heterogeneity of individual influence on others’ perceived awareness; (2) the heterogeneity of individual responses to disease outbreaks; (3) the heterogeneity of individual influence on others’ perceived epidemic severity. Taking the above heterogeneity into account, we find that both awareness spreading and the heterogeneity of individual influence on others’ perceived awareness have two-stage effects on epidemic threshold. Moreover, we find that the higher epidemic threshold in the two stages varies with individual response strength and the heterogeneity of individual influence on one’s perceived epidemic severity, while the lower epidemic threshold in the two stages keeps unchanged with them.