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1、报告1: Evolution of Cooperation and Conditional Dissociation

主讲人:杨晓光教授  博导(中国科学院)

Abstract: In this talk, we first present a brief review of evolution mechanisms of cooperation. Then we give a clean model with conditional dissociation only,  which could be viewed as a variant of peer punishment. Supported by both the numerical simulations and the theoretical analysis of Neutrally Stable Strategy, We show that conditional dissociation does promote cooperation, no matter whether mixed strategies are allowed or not, but the pure strategies induces more cooperation.  Moreover cooperative behavior is favored when waiting time and/or the population’s lifespan are longer. We also illustrate the explanation power of our model by the stories in the real world.

2、报告2:Deregulation and the Cost of Public Debt


AbstractWe assess the impact of deregulation on firmscosts of issuing public debt using a difference-in-difference estimation approach. We find economically and statistically significant decreases in at-issue yield spreads that persist both during and after deregulation. The decrease is greater for bonds with long maturities, speculative credit ratings, and large principal amounts. The decrease is also greater for firms with low profitability, few growth opportunities, low operating efficiency, small product market shares, high financial leverage, and for those facing severe financial distress and financing constraints.




2、王军波教授,香港城市大学经济与金融学系,NSFC 海外杰青。在 Management Science,  Journal of Banking and Finance, International Review of Economics and Finance等发表文章。

