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时间 2024年 5月10日 10:00—11:00 姓名 陈春峰 博士
地点 管理学院A北307

报告题目:Believing tourists or locals? The interaction effect of recommender identity and tourism purchase type on word-of-mouth adoption

报告人: 陈春峰博士(广东工业大学)




This study focuses on the effects of recommender identity (tourist vs. local) and type of tourism purchase (experiential vs. material) on consumers’ willingness to adopt word-of-mouth. Across two field experiments and three online experiments, the results show that the identity of the recommender and the type of tourism consumption interact to influence word-of-mouth adoption. For experiential purchases, consumers are more likely to adopt recommendations from tourists, whereas for material purchases, consumers are more likely to adopt recommendations from locals. Narrative transmission and objectivity of quality evaluation jointly mediate the interaction between recommender identity and purchase type. In addition, consumers’ perception of the uniqueness of the purchase further moderates the interaction between the recommender identity and purchase type on the willingness to adopt word-of-mouth. The research findings have enhanced our understanding of the effects of word-of-mouth in the context of tourism consumption.


陈春峰博士,广东工业大学管理学院博士后,研究领域为消费者行为、口碑营销,在《南开管理评论》《管理学报》《预测》《Journal ofBusiness Research》《Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing》《Journal of Services Marketing》等重要学术期刊发表学术论文十余篇。主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目、广东省基础与应用基础研究项目2项,并参与多项国家级课题的研究。


