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报告题目:An Inventory Perspective for Omni-channel Design

人: 杨翼 教授  浙江大学

   间:2017619日(周一)上午 1000



There is a heated debate about where the future of retailing lies, online vs. offline. The answer may be omnichannel as the mix of the two. Online retailers such as Amazon move offline by setting up local stores, whereas brick-and-mortar retailers such as Walmart and Target have long set up online stores. We study the optimal design of ominchannel of a retailer facing two segments of customers: one intended to shop only offline (i.e., store-only customers) and the other contemplating between the online and offline channel (i.e., omni-customers). We show that buy-online, pick-up-in-store (BOPS) has a drastically different impact on retailers of different natures. Without BOPS, the retailer uses a dedicated distribution center to fulfill online orders. With BOPS, the retailer uses limited local inventory to serve both the store-only customers and omni-customers who choose BOPS. The retailer makes local-inventory decisions taking into account customers rational belief of about the offline inventory availability. For a retailer that has a low density of local stores (or a traditional online retailer), BOPS (or setting up limited local stores) benefits both segments of customers as well as the retailer. This is because, BOPS allows local inventory to serve a pool of offline customers with omni-customers who would otherwise shop online, leading to a higher availability (and variety) of local-store products. However, for a retailer that has a high density of local stores (or a traditional offline retailer), BOPS hurts the store-only customers and the retailer, but benefits the omni-customers. This is because, BOPS uses costly local inventory to serve omni-customers who would otherwise still shop offline but now pay at a lower online price. One remedy for such retailers is to implement buy-online, ship-to-store (BOSS), instead of BOPS. Lastly, we show that buy-online, ship-from-store has similar impacts on retailers as BOPS.


杨翼,浙江大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,数据驱动决策研究所所长,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者。2011年毕业于香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理学系。主要研究方向包括库存管理、收益管理以及运营管理。在高水平国际期刊上发表论文十余篇,特别是在 Operations Research,Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,Production and Operations Management》等UT/Dallas24种经济管理类国际公认顶级期刊上发表学术论文7篇。承担多项国家及省部级课题,现担任中国运筹学会的英文期刊JORSC (Journal of the Operations Research Society of China)Associate Editor、运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会理事、系统工程学会物流系统工程专业委员会理事等工作。

