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[4] Family Business Research in China: A Field in the Light of Traditional Culture and Transforming Society, pp:483-505, In Franz W. Kellermanns and Frank Hoy(Eds), The Routledge Companion to Family Business, Routledge. 2017. ISBN:9781138919112
[1]Feng Xu,Franz W. Kellermanns,Linlin Jin†. Between-and Within-Person Consequences of Daily Entrepreneurial Stressors on Discrete Emotions in Entrepreneurs: The Moderating Role of Personality.Stress and Health. 2022,38(2):568-580. SCI & SSCI Q2.
[2]Feng Xu,Linlin Jin†.Impact of daily entrepreneurial stressors on long-term transformational leader behaviors and well-being: Differences in experienced and nascent entrepreneurs.Journal of Business Research, 2022,139: 280-291. SSCI Q1.
[3]Run Duan,Linlin Jin†. Influence of the leading role of collaboration in knowledge transfer in the regional context.Knowledge Management Research & Practice. 2022,20(4):619-629. SSCI Q2.
[4] Run Duan,Linlin Jin†. The role of public innovation intermediaries plays in regional innovation: a comparative study of two regions in Japan.Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2022.34(5):578-593. SSCI Q3.
[5] Feng Xu,Franz W. Kellermanns,Linlin Jin†, Jing Xi.Family support as social exchange in entrepreneurship: Its moderating impact on entrepreneurial stressors-well-being relationships.Journal of Business Research, 2020,120: 59-73. SSCI Q1.
[6]Linlin Jin, Kristen Madison, Nils Kraiczy, Franz W. Kellermanns†, T. Russell Crook, Jing Xi.Entrepreneurial team composition characteristics and new venture performance: A Meta-analysis.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2017,41(5):743:771.Financial Times Top 50 Business Journals, SSCI Q1.
[7]Linlin Jin, Yinghong Zhong.Contextual factors affecting the influence of perceived organizational support on team innovative performance,Social Behavior and Personality, 2014,42(3):517-528. SSCI Q4.
[8]Linlin Jin, HaiFa Sun.The effect of researchers' interdisciplinary characteristics on team innovation performance: evidence from university R&D teams in China.International Journal of Human Resource Management.2010,21(13):2488-2502. SSCI Q2.
[1]彭凯,晋琳琳.新兴经济体企业传承创新民族非遗技艺的演进路径与作用机制——基于战略性社会责任视角的案例分析. 学术研究, 2023,(11):47-51.
[2]盛妍艺,晋琳琳,季六祥,张华. 创新迭代、价值共创与产学研用数字化协同创新. 自然辩证法研究, 2023,39(11):87-94.
[3]邢莹莹,奚菁,熊乐,晋琳琳. 如何“后继有人”?——基于身份视角的家族企业接班人培养策略组态研究. 管理学季刊, 2022,7(2): 136-162+194-195.
[4]黄山,刘晓建,晋琳琳†.组织刚性对企业并购目标选择的影响机理研究.管理案例研究与评论,2021,14(3): 249-262.