Peng, Jiamin, Xiaoyun Yang, Senhui Fu,Tzung-Cheng Huan* (2023). Exploring the influence of tourists’happiness on revisit intention in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine cultural tourism[J]. Tourism Management, 94, February. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院1区, 2021IF=12.879, ESI高被引,ABS 4 ).
Lei,Shaohui, Lishan Xie*, Jiamin Peng (2024). Unethical consumer behavior following Artificial Intelligence agent encounters: The differential effect of AI agent roles and its boundary conditions[J]. Journal of Service Research. 2024.8.28 online. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院2区, 2023IF=9.8, ABS 4 )
Peng, Jiamin, Lishan Xie, Lian Zhou, Tzung-Cheng Huan* (2022). Linking team learning climate to service performance: The role of individual- and team-level adaptive behaviors in travel services[J]. Tourism Management, 91, August. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院1区, 2021IF=12.879,ABS 4 )
Peng, Jiamin, Xiaoyun Yang, Patrick Poon, Lishan Xie*(2022). Enhancing users’well-being in virtual medical tourism communities: A configurational analysis of users’ interaction characteristics and social support[J]. Technology in Society, 71, November. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院1区, 2021IF=6.879)
Lian Zhou, Yujie Zhan, Jiamin Peng*(通讯作者), Jian Chen (2023). Engaging Mature-Age Workers Through Mature-Age Practices: Examining the Roles of Focus on Opportunities and Work Centrality[J]. Work,Aging and Retirement, July. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院1区, 2022IF=3.8)
Peng, Jiamin, Xiaoyun Yang, Xinhua Guan, Lian Zhou, Tzung-Cheng Huan* (2022). Will catering employees’job dissatisfaction lead to brand sabotage behavior? A study based on conservation of resources and complexity theories[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(5): 1882-1905, April. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院2区, 2021IF=9.321, ESI高被引,ABS 3 )
Peng, Jiamin, Xiaoyun Yang, Tzung-Cheng Huan* (2022). The effects of empowering leadership on employee adaptiveness in luxury hotel services: evidence from a mixed-methods research[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 101, February. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院2区, 2020IF=10.427,ABS 3 )
Peng, Jia-Min, Xin-Hua Guan, Tzung-Cheng Huan* (2021). Not always co-creating brand: effects of perceived justice on employee brand sabotage behaviours in the hotel industry[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(3): 973-993, March. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院2区, 2020IF=6.514,ABS 3 )
Peng, Jiamin, Zizhao Peng, Shaohui Lei, Lishan Xie* (2024). Family-customer happiness and its impact on customer citizenship behavior: A study of parent–child consumption in robot restaurants[J]. Tourism Management Perspectives, 53: 101273. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院2区, 2023IF=7.3)
Guan, Xinhua, Jiamin Peng, Tzung-Cheng Huan* (2021). A study on the influencing factors of value co-destruction behavior in tourism interaction from the perspective of customer subjective fitting[J].Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 38(7): 742-757, Octomber. (SSCI JCR-Q1/中科院2区, 2020IF=7.564)
Peng, Jiamin, Lingwen Huang*, Yujuan Guo, Xiaoyun Yang, Yue Chen. (2024). The impact of knowledge incompatibility and communication style differences on patients’perceived value of online medical consultations[J]. Service Business. 2024.8.28 online. (SSCI JCR-Q2/中科院3区, 2023IF=4.4)
Peng, Jiamin, Liwen Chen(本科生), Xiaoyun Yang, Lishan Xie* (2024). Meaningfulness at work: role of distributive justice, managerial respect and work self-efficacy[J]. Management Decision, 62(3): 885-912, April. (SSCI JCR-Q2/中科院3区, 2022IF=4.9)
Xu, Jie(本科生), Jiamin Peng*(通讯作者)(2024). Value Co‑creation Behavior in Online Health Communities: Analyzing Research Progress and Prospects Using CiteSpace[J]. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, January. (SSCI JCR-Q2/中科院3区, 2022IF=3.3)
Chen,Gezhi,Jiamin Peng*(通讯作者)(2023). Promoting sustainable tourism destinations: support and its role in tourist environmentally responsible behaviour[J]. Environment Development and Sustainability, November. (SCI JCR-Q2/中科院3区, 2022IF=4.9)
Fu, Senhui, Qing Yan*, Guangchao Charles Feng, Jiamin Peng(2021). Which review can make you engage? The effect of reviewer-reader similarity on consumer-brand engagement[J]. Journal of Global Information Management, 29(6), November. (SSCI JCR-Q3/中科院3区, IF=4.7)
彭家敏*, 谢礼珊, 关新华. 虚拟健康社区医生贡献行为的形成机制[J]. 心理科学进展, 2021, 29(6): 978-989. (CSSCI,心理学领域重要期刊)
彭家敏, 谢礼珊, 龚金红. 服务交往中员工顾客需求知识的形成与作用[J]. 管理评论, 2015, 27(6):168-178. (CSSCI,国基委A类重要期刊)
彭家敏, 张德鹏, 谢礼珊. 员工服务适应性行为的形成与作用:基于能力视角的跨层次分析[J]. 预测, 2015, 34(4):14-20. (CSSCI,国基委A类重要期刊)
谢礼珊, 彭家敏*(通讯作者). 组织学习氛围与个人适应性倾向特质对一线员工顾客需求知识的影响[J]. 营销科学学报, 2012, 8(3):30-44. (CSSCI, 营销学领域重要期刊)
彭家敏, 张德鹏. 服务型企业一线员工服务适应性行为探索性研究[J]. 南大商学评论,2015, 12(2):168-187. (CSSCI)
彭家敏. 服务交往中员工学习目标导向对企业外部效率的影响[J]. 商业研究, 2016, (2):125-132. (CSSCI)
彭家敏, 谢礼珊. 服务便利性感知的差异分析——对消费不同服务、不同类型消费者的比较[J].中大管理研究, 2014, 9(1):121-138. (CSSCI)
谢礼珊, 彭家敏. 服务型企业一线员工顾客需求知识探索性研究[J].中山大学学报(社会科学版), 2014, 54(248): 204-214. (CSSCI)
Xie, Lishan, Jiamin Peng, Tzung-Cheng Huan* (2014). Crafting and Testing a Central Precept in Service-Dominant Logic: Hotel Employees' Brand-Citizenship Behavior and Customers' Brand Trust[J].International Journal of Hospitality Management, 42:1-8, September. (SSCI)
Gong, Jinhong, Lishan Xie*, Jiamin Peng, Xinhua Guan. Customer responses to integrity issues for travel services in China: A content analysis based on online complaints[J].International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2015, 27(2):199-213.(SSCI)
张德鹏, 陈少霞, 彭家敏. 顾客口碑价值形成机理:基于社会影响理论视角研究[J]. 预测, 2014, (4):35-44. (CSSCI)
龚金红, 谢礼珊, 彭家敏. 旅行社服务不诚信行为如何影响顾客信任——心理契约违背与企业声誉的作用[J]. 旅游学刊, 2014, 29(4):55-68. (CSSCI)
谢礼珊, 彭家敏. 旅行社一线员工顾客需求知识量表的设计与检验[J], 中大管理研究,2012, 7(1):67-88. (CSSCI)
谢礼珊, 彭家敏, 苏亚楠. 服务公平性各类属性之间关系的探索性研究: 基于旅游企业顾客的感知[J], 中大管理研究, 2011, 6(1):1-20.(CSSCI)
谢礼珊, 彭家敏, 张春林. 旅游企业员工品牌公民行为对顾客品牌信任和品牌承诺的影响[J], 旅游学刊, 2010, 25(11):58-65. (CSSCI)
龚金红, 彭家敏, 谢礼珊. 顾客不公平行为:角色期望不一致和权力失衡[J],商业研究,2011, (1):174-179. (CSSCI)