1.Tan, L., Liu C. Q., (学生) Li Y., et al., (in press). The effect of human-robot collaboration on frontline employees' service performance: A resource perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management. (SSCI IF = 9.9, 中科院一区) ABS三星
2. 卢海陵, 董国庆, 杨洋, 王永丽, 谭玲, 赖少东. 将功补过!基于身份维护视角的家庭-工作冲突作用机制. 心理学报, 已在线发表. (CHSSACD A类期刊)
3. 杨惠丽, 周蕾, 张慧君, 谭玲, 邹新业, 张军伟, 惠青山. (2024) 人工智能使用过程中自动化偏差文献述评与研究展望. 科技管理研究, 21, 240-246. (CSSCI)
3. Qin, X., Chua, R. Y. J., Tan, L., Li, W. L., & Chen, C. (2024). Gender bias in cultural tightness across the 50 US states, its correlates, and links to gender inequality in leadership and innovation [Article]. Pnas Nexus, 2(8), Article pgad238. https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad238(美国科学院报姊妹刊)
4.He, G. H., Zheng, X. N., Li, W. P., Tan, L., Chen, S. Y., & He, Y. F. (2024). The Mixed Blessing of Leaders' Artificial Intelligence (AI)-oriented Change Behavior: Implications for Employee Job Performance and Unethical Behavior [Article]. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 19(2), 469-497.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-023-10250-4(CSSCI IF = 3.4,JCR一区)
5.Tan, L., Guan, J., Wang, Y. L., Wang, J. Y., Qian, W. J., & Zheng, C. D. (2023). Conscientiousness and leader emergence: the mediating role of functional behaviors [Article]. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 38(5), 319-337. (SSCI IF = 3.61, JCR二区)ABS三星
6.蒋路远(学生), 曹李梅, 秦昕*,谭玲, 陈晨, 彭小斐.(2022).人工智能决策的公平感知. 心理科学进展, 30(4), 1-15. (CSSCI A类期刊)
7.Chen, J(学生).,Tan, L., Liu, L., & Wang, L*. (2021). Reinforcement learning of irrelevant stimulus-response associations modulates cognitive control.Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 47(10):1585-1598.(SSCI & SCI IF = 3.05 JCR一区)ABS三星
8.Tan, L., Wang, Y. L., & Lu, H. L. (2022). Leader Humor Extends beyond Work: how and when Followers Have Better Family Lives [Article]. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17(1), 351-374. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-020-09888-1(SSCI IF = 3.08,JCR一区)
9.Tan, L., & Xia, T. S. (2023). Predictors on workplace suicidal ideation: from a social interaction perspective [Article]. Current Psychology, 42(8), 6131-6141. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-01928-9 (SSCI IF =4.297JCR一区)
10.Tan, L., Wang, Y*., & Lu, H. (2021). Leader humor and employee upward voice: the role of employee relationship quality and traditionality. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies,28(2), 221-236. (SSCI IF = 2.78 JCR一区)
11.Tan, L., Wang, Y. L., Qian, W. J., & Lu, H. L. (2020). Leader Humor and Employee Job Crafting: The Role of Employee-Perceived Organizational Support and Work Engagement [Article]. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 499849. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.499849(SSCI IF =2.99 JCR二区)
12.Tan, L., Wang, Y*., & Lu, H. (2021). Why so humorous? the roles of traditionality and gender (dis)similarity in leader humor behavior and employee job performance.Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 28(1), 91-98. (SSCI IF =2.78 JCR一区)
13.夏天生,谭玲*.(2021).刺激-反应联结学习在项目特异性比例一致效应中的作用[J]. 心理与行为研究, 19(3): 326-333.(CSSCI核心期刊)
14.夏天生,谭玲*. (2020). 刺激-反应联结学习在情境特异比例一致效应中的作用,心理科学, (05):1049-1057.(CSSCI A类核心期刊)
15. 刘萃巧(学生), 谭玲, 李雅. (2023). 领导幽默对员工感知被信任和建言行为的影响研究. 第十届中国管理研究国际学会会议.
16.谭玲,郭晓格,刘烨桐,陈静,吴奎胜,陈华钦. (2021).基于应聘方视角的人工智能招聘.第十六届中国管理学年会.
18.卢海陵(学生),杨洋,王永丽*,张昕,谭玲.(2021). “激将法”会激发还是打击员工?感知能力不被信任的“双刃剑”效应.心理学报,53(12),1376-1392.
19.Tan,L., Lu, H.,&Wang, Y*. (2020). Why so humorous? the roles of traditionality and gender (dis)similarity in leader humor behavior and employee job performance.80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 7-11Augustonline. (AOMconference paper)
21.Yang, Y.(学生), Wang, Y. L., Lu, H. L., & Tan, L. (2020). Too Insecure to Be a Leader: The Role of Attachment in Leadership Emergence [Article]. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 571401. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.571401
23.Tan,L., Lu, H.,&Wang, Y*. (2019). Leader Humor Extends Beyond Work: How and WhenFollowers Have Better Family Lives.79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 9-13August in Boston, Massachusetts. (AOMconference paper)
24.Tan, L*., Xia, T. S., & Reece, C. (2018). Social and individual risk factors for suicide ideation among Chinese children and adolescents: A multilevel analysis.International Journal of Psychology,53(2): 117-125. (SSCI IF = 2.287 JCR二区)
25.Tan, L., Chen, J., Xia, T*., & Hu, J*. (2018). Predictors of suicidal ideation among children and adolescents: roles of mental health status and meaning in life.Child & Youth Care Forum,(5), 1-13.(SSCI IF = 1.608 JCR三区)
26.王永丽*,卢海陵,杨娜,谭玲. (2018).基于资源分配观和补偿理论的组织公平感研究.管理学报. 15(6),837-846.(国家自然科学基金委管理科学部认定重要期刊)
27.Tan, L., Yang, Q. H., Chen, J. L., Zou, H. X., Xia, T. S., & Liu, Y*. (2017). The potential role of attitudes towards suicide between mental health status and suicidal ideation among Chinese children and adolescents.Child Care Health Dev,43(5), 725-732. (SSCI & SCI IF = 2.346 JCR二区)
28.谭玲,夏天生,刘勇*. (2015).不同博弈情境下社会排斥对社会决策的影响作用.心理科学, 38(4),946-953. (CSSCI A类核心期刊)
29.Schirmer, A*., Chen, C., Ching, A.Tan, L., & Hong, R. Y. (2013). Vocal emotions influence verbal memory: Neural correlates and interindividual differences.Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci13, 80-93 (SCI IF = 3.565 JCR一区)
1.谭玲 (2/2):《管理与组织研究常用的60个理论》工作-要求资源模型章节, 北京大学出版社, 首届中国人力资源开发研究会优秀著作奖一等奖(著作最高奖), 2022(王永丽, 谭玲).
2.谭玲 (3/5):授权型领导——下属自我领导匹配对下属情绪衰竭和工作绩效的影响, 广东省人民政府, 第十届广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖, 2024(陈晨, 秦昕, 谭玲, 卢海陵, 周汉森, 宋博迪).
王永丽,谭玲.(2019).工作要求-资源模型.组织与管理研究理论实用手册. 2019年3月