[J01] Nan Zheng, Le Li, Lijian Han, Kefei Zhao, Ziyang Zhu, Xiaolan Ye (2024). The relationship between farmland abandonment and urbanization processes: a case study in four Chinese urban agglomerations. Land, 13, 664.
[J02] Jielin Guan, Le Li, Kefei Zhao, Yaozhong Pan and Weifeng Ma (2023). Extraction of Pig Farms From GaoFen Satellite Images Based on Deep Learning. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, 9622-9631.
[J02] Le Li, Siyan Zheng, Kefei Zhao, Kejian Shen, Xiaolu Yan, Yaolong Zhao (2022). The quantitative impact of the arable land protection policy on the landscape of farmland abandonment in Guangdong Province. Remote Sensing, 14(19), 4991.
[J03] Le Li, Yaozhong Pan, Rongbao Zheng, and Xiaoping Liu (2022). Understanding the spatiotemporal patterns of seasonal, annual and consecutive farmland abandonment in China with time series of MODIS images during 2005-2019. Land Degradation and Development. Land Degradation & Development, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4233.
[J04] Le Li, Zurui Ao, Yaolong Zhao, and Xulong Liu (2019). Impacts of Rapid Socioeconomic Development on Cropping Intensity Dynamics in China during 2001–2016. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(11), 519.
[J05] Le Li, Yaolong Zhao, Yingchun Fu, and Qinchuan Xin (2018). Satellite-based models need improvements to simulating annual gross primary productivity: a comparison of six models for regional modeling of deciduous broadleaf forests. Remote Sensing, 10(7), 1008.
[J06] Le Li, Yaolong Zhao, Yingchun Fu, Yaozhong Pan, Le Yu and Qinchuan Xin (2017). High Resolution Mapping of Cropping Cycles by Fusion of Landsat and MODIS Data. Remote Sensing, 9(12), 1232.
[J07] Le Li, Qinghua Guo, Shengli Tao, Maggi Kelly and Guangcai Xu (2015). Lidar with multi-temporal MODIS provide a means to upscale predictions of forest biomass. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 102, 198-208.
[J08] Le Li, Mark A. Friedl, Qinchuan Xin, Josh Gray, Yaozhong Pan and Steve Frolking (2014). Mapping crop cycles in china using MODIS-EVI time series. Remote Sensing, 6(3), 2473-2493.
[J09] Le Li, Jinshui Zhang, Wenquan Zhu, Tangao Hu and Dong Hou (2011). Winter wheat area estimation with MODIS-NDVI time series based on parcel. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 31(5), 1379.
[J10] Yuan Gao, Yaozhong Pan, Xiufang Zhu, Le Li, Shoujia Ren, Chuanwu Zhao and Xuechang Zheng (2023). FARM: A fully automated rice mapping framework combining Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 multi-temporal imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 213, 108262.
[J11] Chuanwu Zhao, Yaozhong Pan, Xiufang Zhu, Le Li, Xingsheng Xia, Shoujia Ren, and Yuan Gao (2023). Monitoring of deforestation events in the tropics using multidimensional features of Sentinel 1 radar data. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6, 1257806.
[J10] Jianhong Liu, Le Li, Xin Huang, Yongmei Liu and Tongsheng Li (2018). Mapping Paddy Rice in Jiangsu Province of China based on phenological parameters and the decision tree model. Frontiers of Earth Science.
[J11] Yaozhong Pan, Le Li, Jinshui Zhang, Shunlin Liang, Xiufang Zhu, Damien Sulla-Menashe (2012). Winter wheat area estimation from MODIS-EVI time series data using the Crop Proportion Phenology Index. Remote Sensing of Environment, 119, 232-242.
[J12] Yingchun Fu, Jiufeng Li, Qihao Weng, Qiming Zheng, Le Li, Shu Dai and Biyun Guo (2019). Characterizing the spatial pattern of annual urban growth by using time series Landsat imagery. Science of The Total Environment, 666, 274-284.
[J13] Qin Ma, Yanjun Su, Laiping Luo, Le Li, Maggi Kelly and Qinghua Guo (2018). Evaluating the uncertainty of Landsat-derived vegetation indices in quantifying forest fuel treatments using bi-temporal LiDAR data. Ecological Indicators, 95, 298-310.
[J14] Huafei Yu, Yaolong Zhao, Yingchun Fu and Le Li (2018). Spatiotemporal variance assessment of urban rainstorm waterlogging affected by impervious surface expansion: A case study of Guangzhou, China. Sustainability, 10, 3761; doi:10.3390/su10103761.
[J15] Xiaoxuan Liu, Le Yu, Wei Li, Dailiang Peng, Liheng Zhong, Le Li, Qinchuan Xin, Hui Lu, Chaoqing Yu and Peng Gong (2018). Comparison of country-level cropland areas between ESA-CCI land cover maps and FAOSTAT data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-15.
[J16] Shengli Tao, Qinghua Guo, Fangfang Wu, Le Li, Shaopeng Wang, Zhiyao Tang, Baolin Xue, Jin Liu and Jingyun Fang (2016). Spatial scale and pattern dependences of aboveground biomass estimation from satellite images: a case study of the Sierra National Forest, California. Landscape ecology, 31(8), 1711-1723. Landscape Ecology, 31(8), 1711-1723.
[J17] Baolin Xue, Qinghua Guo, Alvarez Otto, Jingfeng Xiao, Shengli Tao and Le Li (2016). Global patterns, trends, and drivers of water use efficiency from 2000 to 2013. Ecosphere, 6(10), 1-18.
[J18] Shengli Tao, Qinghua Guo, Le Li, Baolin Xue, Maggi Kelly, Wenkai Li, Guangcai Xu and Yanjun Su (2014). Airborne Lidar-derived volume metrics for aboveground biomass estimation: A comparative assessment for conifer stands. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 198, 24-32.
[J19] Miaogen Shen, Yanhong Tang, Jin Chen, Xi Yang, Cong Wang, Xiaoyong Cui, Yongping Yang, Lijian Han, Le Li, Jianhui Du, Gengxin Zhang and Nan Cong (2014). Earlier-season vegetation has greater temperature sensitivity of spring phenology in northern hemisphere. Plos One, 9(2), e88178.
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[J24] 张宝欣, 李乐(2018). 英德市土地利用时空变化驱动力分析与预测. 热带地貌,39(1),11-19.
[J25] 郭庆华, 吴芳芳, 庞树鑫, 赵晓倩, 陈琳海, 刘瑾,薛宝林,徐光彩,李乐,景海春,储成才(2016). Crop 3D—基于激光雷达技术的作物高通量三维表型测量平台. 中国科学:生命科学, 46(10), 1210.
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[C01] Le Li, Yaozhong Pan and Qinchuan Xin (2016). Combining Crop Proportion Phenology Index models with machine learning algorithms for estimating winter wheat areas. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp.7137-7140). IEEE. (分会主席,口头报告,论文EI检索)
[C02] Le Li, Yaozhong Pan, Jinshui Zhang, Xiufang Zhu and Fangting Li (2016). Regional applications of Crop Phenology proportion index on fractional crop area estimation using MODIS data. Fifth International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (pp.1-5). IEEE. (口头报告,论文EI检索)
[C03] Le Li, Chao Li, Xiufang Zhu and Yaozhong Pan (2008). Consistency analysis on paddy rice area survey with SPOT and TM images under the restrained total quantity. ISPRS Beijing. July 2008, Beijing China. (口头报告,大会论文集收录)
[C04] Jinshui Zhang, Yaozhong Pan, Le Li, Chang Yi and Guobao Song (2008). The study on linear mixed parcel unmixing for classification. ISPRS Beijing. July 2008, Beijing China. (张贴报告,大会论文集收录)