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2011.01-2012.06 美国Boston University地理与环境系(联合培养博士)

2007.09-2012.06 北京师范大学 资源学院 地图学与地理信息系统专业(直博生)

2003.09-2007.06 武汉大学 遥感信息工程学院 遥感科学与技术专业(本科)

《Remote Sensing of Environment》,《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing》,《Remote Sensing》,《International Journal of Remote Sensing》等多个SCI期刊审稿人。


[J01]Li L., Ao Z., Zhao Y., et al.China’s Cropping Intensity Dynamics under the Rapid Socioeconomic Development during 2001–2016.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information,2019,8(11), 519.

[J02]Li L., Zhao Y., Fu Y., et al.Satellite-based models need improvements to simulating annual gross primary productivity: a comparison of six models for regional modeling of deciduous broadleaf forests.Remote Sensing,2018,10(7), 1008.

[J03]Li L., Zhao Y., Fu Y., et al. High Resolution Mapping of Cropping Cycles by Fusion of Landsat and MODIS Data.Remote Sensing,2017,9(12), 1232.

[J04]Li L., Guo Q , Tao S , et al. Lidar with multi-temporal MODIS provide a means to upscale predictions of forest biomass.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2015, 102(apr.):198-208.

[J05]Li L., Friedl A. M., Xin Q., et al.Mapping crop cycles in china using MODIS-EVI time series.Remote Sensing,2014,6(3), 2473-2493.

[J06]Li L., Zhang J., Zhu W., et al. Winter wheat area estimation with MODIS-NDVI time series based on parcel.Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,2011,31(5), 1379.

[J07]Liu J.,Li L., Huang X., et al. Mapping Paddy Rice in Jiangsu Province of China based on phenological parameters and the decision tree model.Frontiers of Earth Science, 2019, 13(1).

[J08] Pan Y.,Li L., Zhang J., et al.Winter wheat area estimation from MODIS-EVI time series data using the Crop Proportion Phenology Index.Remote Sensing of Environment,2012,119, 232-242.

[J09] Tao S., Guo Q.,Li L., et al. Airborne Lidar-derived volume metrics for aboveground biomass estimation: A comparative assessment for conifer stands.Agricultural and forest meteorology,2014,198, 24-32.

[J10]Ma Q., Su Y., Luo L., et al. Evaluating the uncertainty of Landsat-derived vegetation indices in quantifying forest fuel treatments using bi-temporal LiDAR data.Ecological Indicators,2018,95, 298-310.

[J11]Yu H., Zhao Y., Fu Y., et al. Spatiotemporal variance assessment of urban rainstorm waterlogging affected by impervious surface expansion: A case study of Guangzhou, China.Sustainability,2018,10, 3761; doi:10.3390/su10103761.

[J12]Liu X., Yu L., Li W., et al.Comparison of country-level cropland areas between ESA-CCI land cover maps and FAOSTAT data.International Journal of Remote Sensing,2018,1-15.

[J13]Tao S., Guo Q., Wu F., et al.Spatial scale and pattern dependences of aboveground biomass estimation from satellite images: a case study of the Sierra National Forest, California. Landscape ecology,2016,31(8), 1711-1723.Landscape Ecology, 31(8), 1711-1723.

[J14]Xue B., Guo Q., Otto A., et al. Global patterns, trends, and drivers of water use efficiency from 2000 to 2013.Ecosphere,2016,6(10), 1-18.

[J15]Shen M., Tang Y., Chen J., et al. Earlier-season vegetation has greater temperature sensitivity of spring phenology in northern hemisphere.Plos One,2014,9(2), e88178.

[J16]李乐(2017). 《环境遥感》课程多元化教学模式的探索与实践.热带地貌,38(1),3-8.

[J17]李乐, 潘耀忠,王晓东,代佳佳,林辉平. (2016).基于3S技术农业保险"精确承保与快速理赔".卫星应用(3), 66-72.

[J18]李乐, 张锦水,朱文泉,胡潭高,侯东. (2011).地块支持下MODIS-NDVI时间序列冬小麦种植面积测量研究.光谱学与光谱分析, 31(5), 1379-1383.

[J19] 张宝欣,李乐(2018). 英德市土地利用时空变化驱动力分析与预测.热带地貌,39(1),11-19.

[J20] 郭庆华,吴芳芳,庞树鑫,赵晓倩,陈琳海,刘瑾,薛宝林,徐光彩,李乐,景海春,储成才(2016). Crop 3D—基于激光雷达技术的作物高通量三维表型测量平台.中国科学:生命科学, 46(10), 1210.

[J21] 郭庆华,刘瑾,陶胜利,薛宝林,李乐, 徐光彩等. (2014).激光雷达在森林生态系统监测模拟中的应用现状与展望.科学通报(6), 459-478.

[J22] 潘耀忠,李乐, 张锦水,梁顺林,侯东. (2011).基于典型物候特征的MODIS-EVI时间序列数据农作物种植面积提取方法——小区域冬小麦实验研究.遥感学报, 15(3), 578-594.

[J23] 胡潭高,潘耀忠,张锦水,李苓苓,李乐. (2011). 基于线性光谱模型和支撑向量机的软硬分类方法.光谱学与光谱分析, 31(2), 508-511.

[J24] 赵莲,张锦水,胡潭高,陈联裙,李乐. (2011). 变端元混合像元分解冬小麦种植面积测量方法.国土资源遥感(1), 66-72.

[J25] 侯东,潘耀忠,张锦水,梁顺林,朱文泉,李乐. (2010). 农区MODIS植被指数时间序列数据重建.农业工程学报, 26(s1), 206-212.

[J26] 顾晓鹤,韩立建,张锦水,潘耀忠,李乐. (2008). 基于相似性分析的中低分辨率复合水稻种植面积测量法.中国农业科学, 41(4), 978-985.

[J27] 胡潭高,张锦水,贾斌,潘耀忠,董燕生,李乐. (2008). 不同分辨率遥感图像混合像元线性分解方法研究.地理与地理信息科学, 24(3), 20-23.

[J28] 王双,朱秀芳,潘耀忠,徐超,李乐. (2009). 基于对地抽样总量控制下的玉米种植面积提取.遥感学报, 13(4), 696-706.

[J29] 李超,张锦水,潘耀忠,李乐, 朱再春. (2010).高分辨率影像支持下的地块信息采集系统.计算机工程, 36(8), 289-291.


[C01]Li, L., Pan, Y. Z., & Xin, Q. C. (2016). Combining Crop Proportion Phenology Index models with machine learning algorithms for estimating winter wheat areas.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(pp.7137-7140). IEEE. (分会主席,口头报告,论文EI检索)

[C02]Li, L., Pan, Y., Zhang, J., Zhu, X., & Li, F. (2016). Regional applications of Crop Phenology proportion index on fractional crop area estimation using MODIS data.Fifth International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics(pp.1-5). IEEE. (口头报告,论文EI检索)

[C03]Li, L., Li, C., Pan, Y., Zhu, X. (2008). Consistency analysis on paddy rice area survey with SPOT and TM images under the restrained total quantity.ISPRS Beijing. July 2008, Beijing China.(口头报告,大会论文集收录)

[C04] Zhang J., Pan, Y.,Li, L., Yi, C., Song, G. (2008). The study on linear mixed parcel unmixing for classification.ISPRS Beijing. July 2008, Beijing China.(张贴报告,大会论文集收录)


[P01] 2020-2022 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:多尺度遥感数据融合的粤港澳典型地区耕地复种反演与模拟

[P02] 2019-2021 主持广东省科技创新战略专项资金(省基金):面向粤港澳大湾区农业生态规划的耕地利用时间序列遥感反演与驱动机制研究

[P03] 2015-2016 主持全国博士后面上基金:基于多作物面积物候指数的中国复种指数格局及变迁研究

[P04] 2013-2016 参与发改委卫星应用及产业发展专项“基于国产卫星的农业保险精确承保与快速理赔综合服务平台与应用示范”

[P05] 2013-2016 参与高分辨率对地观测重大专项(民用部分),“高分灾害监测与评估信息服务应用示范应用(一期)

[P06] 2012-2014 参与国家973课题:碳循环-气候变化互馈作用及地球系统敏感性

[P07] 2011-2012 参与美国自然科学基金项目:Crops, climate, canals, and the cryosphere in Asia- changing water resources around the Earth’s third pole.

[P08] 2008-2011 参与国家科技支撑课题:中国巨灾应急救援信息集成系统与示范第四课题“灾情综合研判与风险分析技术研究”

[P09] 2007-2010 参与国家重点863课题:国家粮食主产区粮食作物种植面积遥感测量与估产业务系统

[A01] 2018年 “主要农作物面积多维多尺度立体统计遥感调查技术创新与应用”获北京市科学技术奖一等奖 (排名15/15)

[A02] 2017年 教育部高等学校地理科学类专业教学指导委员会/中国地理信息产业协会教育与科普工作委员会组织的"第四届全国高校GIS青年教师讲课竞赛"一等奖 (排名1/1)

[A03] 2011年 博士学位论文“基于时序数据物候特征的冬小麦种植面积提取模型研究及区域应用” 获北京师范大学优秀博士学位论文培育基金项目资助

[A04] 2007年 学士学位论文“总量约束下的SPOT和TM水稻种植面积提取一致性研究”获湖北省优秀学士学位论文提名奖


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