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时间 姓名

报告题目Supply contracting and process innovation in a dynamic supply chain with information asymmetry

报告人 赵俊 博士(香港大学)

时间:2020 529 12:00-12:30


会议 ID394 449 104


We investigate the process innovation and contracting decisions of a dynamic supply chain consisting of a supplier and a manufacturer, with the manufacturer possessing private information about her efficiency of process innovation. To overcome the potential adverse selection problem due to the asymmetric information, the supplier designs a menu of supply contracts that stipulates both the wholesale price and the purchasing quantity. We find that under information asymmetry, the supplier will optimally set a higher wholesale price but a lower purchasing quantity for the manufacturer with high innovation efficiency than that for the manufacturer with low innovation efficiency. As a consequence, the manufacturer with high innovation efficiency will significantly underinvest in innovation due to information asymmetry in addition to the impact of the double marginalization effect. Moreover, although a longer contract period tends to better motivate innovation, it can also magnify the influences of adverse selection on supply chain contracting, leading to a higher wholesale price for the manufacturer with high innovation efficiency.






赵俊博士,201911月毕业于香港大学工学院工业与制造系统工程系,并在香港大学担任高级助理研究员,研究兴趣包括服务供应链管理、运作管理与服务系统(Healthcare, Finance, Logistics)交叉领域、基于深度学习的决策科学,发表论文近二十篇,其中以第一作者和通讯作者发表近十篇SCISSCICSSCI论文,另有八篇论文正处于SCI/SSCI期刊的在审与返修状态。多次受邀参与MS/OR领域国际会议并发表报告演讲,担任POMS 29th Annual Conference 优化模型分会主席。此外先后在华为和阿里巴巴担任供应链管理工程师和高级研究专员,负责集团采购与供应链的管理与研究工作。