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报告人 温馨博士(香港理工大学)

时间:2019 122 14:15-15:00



客舱机组人员的排班问题一直是困扰航空公司的主要难题之一。然而,由于客舱机组人员的操作复杂(例如多等级,人员替代,可执飞多种机型、航班人手要求不均一等问题),相较于驾驶舱机组人员,探究客舱机组人员排班问题的文献很少。为了降低问题的规模与难度,传统的排班方法是将多等级的客舱机组人员捆绑在一起成为团队进行排班。但此方法与客舱机组人员的操作特点不符,从而导致人员利用效率低与运营成本高昂的问题。此研究提出了一个新的考虑客舱机组人员复杂特性的多等级客舱机组人员任务配对模型,并建立了一个基于列生成技术(Column Generation)的求解算法。通过基于真实航班数据的运算分析,此模型被证明可以大大提高人员利用效率并降低运营成本。此外,此研究还分析了可用人手与人手要求基准的关系对排班策略的影响,为航空公司提供了有价值的参考意见。






温馨博士,毕业于香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系,师从蔡灿明教授, 钟世豪教授,季平教授以及许钜秉教授(按姓氏首字母排列)。温博士的研究兴趣包括物流运营及供应链管理的相关问题。温博士的研究方法涵盖数学建模,算法构建,解析分析,以及运算分析。温博士已于SCI一区期刊发表高质量研究论文7篇,包括IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,以及Industrial Management & Data Systems

报告二Energy Efficient Rescheduling with Time of Use Energy Costs: Application of Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm

报告人 孔敏(合肥工业大学)

时间:2019 1202 15:00-15:45



Recently, energy efficient scheduling has been spotlighted due to its significant role of energy savings and environmental protection. However, dynamic disruptions in practical industry such as dynamic arrival of orders, release time of raw material, and machine breakdown, have made it challenging to find a proper energy efficient scheduling scheme at the beginning of planning horizon. In an effort to overcome this challenge, we propose a novel energy efficient rescheduling model with time of use energy costs, where two energy costs in peak and off-peak periods for processing jobs are considered. The objective of this paper is to minimize the total energy consumption of both original and new arrival jobs without excessively disrupting the original jobs’ schedule. We apply the variable neighborhood search algorithm to solve this problem. Three novel swapping neighborhood structures that could effectively address the problem of the invalid swapping are proposed to improve the searching efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  Computational experiments are carried out to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.






孔敏系合肥工业大学管理学院硕博连读博士研究生,主要研究方向为绿色制造、供应链调度、能源管理、元启发式算法及其应用。针对离散制造业制造优化调度问题,他在International Journal of Production ResearchAnnals of Operations Research SCI期刊发表论文10篇,其中第一作者论文6篇;申请并已获得授权中国发明专利9项,美国发明专利2项。他还担任Annals of Operations ResearchComputers & Operations ResearchJournal of Global OptimizationJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationOptimization Letters SCI学术期刊的审稿人。

报告三A multi-stage stochastic programming model for relief distribution considering the state of road network

报告人 胡少龙博士Texas State University

时间:2019 12215:45-16:30



As an important aspect in disaster operations management, relief distribution has been challenged by lots of factors, such as unpredictable occurrence time, intensity and location of secondary disasters (e.g. aftershocks and landslides, which usually occur after an earthquake), and availability of vehicles. A multi-stage stochastic programming model is developed for disaster relief distribution with consideration of multiple types of vehicles, fluctuation of rental, and the state of road network. The state of road network is characterized using uncertain and dynamic road capacity. The scenario tree is employed to represent the uncertain and dynamic road capacity, and demonstrate the decision process of relief distribution. A progressive hedging algorithm (PHA) is proposed for solving the proposed model in large-scale size. Based on a real-world case of Yaan earthquake in China, numerical experiments are presented to study the applicability of the proposed model and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed PHA. Useful managerial insights are provided by conducting numerical analysis.






胡少龙博士于201712月毕业同济大学经济与管理学院管理科学与工程专业,取得博士学位后,在美国德克萨斯州立大学工业工程专业从事博士后研究工作至今。围绕应急物流方向,以第一作者和通讯作者发表JCR一区论文六篇,EI两篇,以及两篇中文管科重要期刊论文,其中包括《Transportation Research Part b》《Omega》等交通和管科领域的顶级期刊。