报告人:尹华棠 博士(西安交通大学)
尹华棠博士,主要研究兴趣为绿色金融、绿色创新、资本市场实体经济赋能效应、货币政策传导机制与经济绿色转型。博士在读期间在SSCI/SCI期刊发表论文共16篇,其中8篇是本人(或导师)为第一作者,1篇是本人为通讯作者。8篇本人(或导师)为第一作者的论文中,2篇入选ESI高热点,2篇入选ESI高被引,3篇为ABS三星期刊;曾获2024年博士研究生国家奖学金,2022-2023年和2023-2024年西安交通大学优秀研究生;现任国际期刊Innovation and Green Development(Scopus索引期刊,CiteScore 10.7)客座主编(Guest Editor);担任Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Financial Research Letters, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Economics of Innovation and New Technology,Economic Analysis and Policy等重要国际期刊的匿名审稿人,参研国家社会科学基金重大专项课题1项,国家自然科学基金1项,国家科技部创新规划重大问题研究任务1项,陕西省决策咨询委员会“金融强省建设”研究课题1项。
报告题目:“Undoing” one’s bad luck by delaying bad news: Managerial superstitions and corporate accounting conservatism
报告人: 张广龙 博士(复旦大学)
We examine the impact of managers’ numerological superstitions on corporate financial reporting practices, with a focus on conditional accounting conservatism. Using China’s widely held belief in bad luck during zodiac years, we find that zodiac managers temporarily delay the recognition of bad news, resulting in a temporary decrease in corporate accounting conservatism. This effect is more pronounced among managers with stronger superstitious cultural imprints but less significant among those with higher education levels. Additional analyses reveal that during their zodiac years, managers also exaggerate good news through a more positive tone in financial reports. These proactive superstitious actions by zodiac managers lead to higher probabilities of accounting violations and increased future stock price crash risk. Our findings suggest that managers’ superstitious belief in undoing personal “bad luck” actually brings “bad luck” to their firms. This study underscores how cultural imprints, especially managers’ paranormal beliefs, bias corporate reporting and disclosure policies.
张广龙,复旦大学管理学院金融与财务学系博士研究生。主要研究方向为资本市场信息披露、绿色金融、行为金融等。论文发表在《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》和《金融学季刊》等学术期刊。多篇工作论文在学术期刊返修。担任Applied Economics Letters、Energy Economics、International Review of Economics & Finance、Research in International Business and Finance、Environmental Science and Pollution Research期刊匿名审稿人。参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等课题。